TMG Complex

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Do You Want To Stay Young and Healthy for as long as Possible?

TMG Complex will increase your methylation rates so that you can!!

Among other things, methylation is the process of continuously repairing DNA, so that the body’s trillions of individual molecules stay “young” and perfect.

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Do You Want To Stay Young and Healthy for as long as Possible?

TMG Complex will increase your methylation rates so that you can!!

Among other things, methylation is the process of continuously repairing DNA, so that the body’s trillions of individual molecules stay “young” and perfect.

Do You Want To Stay Young and Healthy for as long as Possible?

TMG Complex will increase your methylation rates so that you can!!

Among other things, methylation is the process of continuously repairing DNA, so that the body’s trillions of individual molecules stay “young” and perfect.

Methylation does many good things. It's up there in importance with detoxification and maintaining low blood sugar, high oxygen, and low levels of antioxidants in one's body.

  • One thing Methylation does is to ensure correct DNA replication during apoptosis and cellular renewal. The cellular renewal cycle is between 1 to 5 months for most human cells. Without the protection of methylation, we would lose telomeres and DNA integrity at each replication and quickly degrade and die (in just a few years).

  • Methylation, also, protects against the dangerous homocysteine molecule that can build up in people's bloodstream and cause cardiovascular diseases. Methylation changes homocysteine molecules into methionine molecules. Methionine molecules are beneficial amino acids that in turn become mood-enhancing SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) molecules.

  • Beyond protecting us in the above ways, methylation enables numerous chemical reactions that are essential to life.

  • To live in a healthy, youthful body, therefore, for as long as possible, it is essential to keep the methylation rate at an optimally high level.

  • Unfortunately, the rate of methylation (how fast methylation occurs in our cells) diminishes with age, stress, and inadequate nutrition.

  • By increasing the rate of methylation in one's body with TMG Complex or other methylation-enhancing foods and supplements, one can significantly slow the rate of degeneration and aging in one's body.

A person’s rate of methylation (high, medium, or low) is basically synonymous with being young, middle-aged, or old (regardless of chronological age). If there was any one single marker that best describes how fast you are growing old it is your rate of methylation. If you like feeling young and "perfect", you had best keep your methylation rate high. Our methylation product is a powerful, must-have product for anyone interesting in staying young as long as possible.

In simplest terms, taking TMG Complex increases the number of repair and maintenance crews (methylation molecules) working inside your body to repair the damage of oxidative and other metabolic processes — repairing what has gone wrong as fast as possible. Methylation helps to process fats, improve neurological function, detoxify the liver, and is involved in nearly every chemical process in the body.

What is Methylation?

Methylation is the passing of a chemical fragment called a methyl group (a carbon atom linked to three hydrogen atoms) from one molecule to another. It is most easily understood by thinking of methylation as a repair process.

  • Methylation is absolutely essential during the copying of one DNA strand into another which occurs during cellular replication.

  • When toxins and free radicals knock methyl groups off a molecule, amino acid, or DNA strand, methylation adds the methyl group back... making the molecule or DNA strand perfect, again.

  • Beyond being essential to cellular replication processes, toxins and free radicals are always knocking these methyl groups off of our molecules, degrading and damaging us. Methylation constantly restores our molecules back to the way they're supposed to be.

  • Thus, methylation opposes degradation and aging.

The functional roles of methylation are wide-ranging and include

  • Biosynthesis

  • Metabolism

  • Detoxification

  • Signal transduction

  • Protein sorting and repairing

  • Nucleic acid processing

  • Gene silencing

  • Imprinting

TMG Complex Ingredients

Trimethylglycine (anhydrous betaine)

Trimethylglycine (TMG) is an amino acid derivative that is found in many plants. Trimethylglycine, when first discovered, was called betaine — because it was originally identified in beets. What makes trimethylglycine special is that each molecule contains 3 methyl groups that are easily donated to other molecules. These easily donated methyl groups are foundational to TMG Complex.

Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine HCl)

An adequate supply of certain co-enzyme B vitamins is necessary for a healthy methylation cycle to occur. Vitamin B6 is the most critical co-enzyme to this cycle. In addition, Vitamin B6 helps create antibodies, maintain nerve functioning, metabolize amino acids, break down proteins, keep blood sugar within normal ranges, and helps in red blood cell production and in creating neurotransmitters.

Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxyl-5’-phosphate)

For some people, Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate has been proven to be up to ten times more effective than regular Vitamin B6. For this reason, this "active" form of Vitamin B6 is included in the TMG Complex to ensure that it will be able to optimally increase methylation for everyone and anyone.

Folate (folic acid)

Folic acid supplementation has been shown to increase methylation by more than 30 percent. Folic Acid is one of the most talked-about B vitamins. It’s required for cell growth and amino acid metabolism, blood cell formation (both red and white), and cell division. Folate is particularly important before and during pregnancy, to help prevent birth defects in the baby’s brain or spine. A folate deficiency can cause fatigue, irritability, poor growth, and anemia. In severe cases, it can also contribute to low white blood cells and platelets Since so many methyl groups are already included in this complex, a methyl-folate version of folate is not needed here.

Vitamin B-12

Without Vitamin B12, methylation rates are substantially reduced because the folate gets trapped and unable to perform its catalytic role in ensuring that trimethylglycine increases methylation. The older we get, the more difficult it is for our bodies to absorb vitamin B12 from food. Digestive disorders can also be a factor in being unable to absorb enough of this vitamin. This vitamin is vital to neurological functioning, as well as playing an important role in metabolizing proteins and forming red blood cells. B12 deficiency can cause anemia and pernicious anemia, balance issues, numbness in arms and legs, and general weakness.

Selenium (as seleno-L-methionine)

Low selenium levels have been found to be methylation rate limiters. To ensure that methylation rates will be high for everyone, selenium is included. The goal is to ensure that the methylation pathways and enablers are all covered in this methylation enabling product.


TMG Complex - Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Methylation sometimes referred to as a process of filling in the gaps?

Answer: The process of methylation was well depicted in the movie Jurassic Park. As you may recall, in that movie, fictional Jurassic Park scientists extracted old and damaged dinosaur DNA from dinosaur DNA encased in volcanic resin (that preserved it). The DNA strands had many gaps where damaged had occurred in the double helix DNA strands. The Jurassic Park scientists created viable DNA by filling in the gaps (IE the damaged/missing DNA sequences) with DNA fragments obtained from frogs. This allowed them to create viable dinosaur embryos.

In a similar way, molecules and DNA strands in our cells can be damaged and gaps left where toxins have done destruction to them. These damaged/missing sequences can be filled in with methyl groups from our product TMG Complex, which contains both methyl donors and methylation catalysts. The bottom line can be that your damaged DNA is restored to normal functioning.

Very importantly, methylation can prevent loss of DNA integrity during replication cycles by adding back any methyl groups that get. If this loss of integrity is not prevented, we become older (or damaged). Keeping methylation high from a young age is the best way to "slow" the aging process.

Why Does Methylation Improve Mood or Happiness?

Answer: Methylation converts the cardio-damaging molecule Homocysteine into the mood protective molecule methionine, which ultimately becomes SAM-e, which is a kind of natural serotonin booster.

Is Inadequate Methylation a Big Problem

Answers  Some Methylation Facts:

  • Answer: Statistics have shown that at least 45% of Americans do not have sufficient methylation occurring in their bodies.

  • Many people have elevated Homocysteine levels which methylation can reduce. Homocysteine is a big problem in our modern world. These levels are inversely proportional to Methylation rates in one's body. This means that the amount of homocysteine is also a good indicator of how “biologically old” a person is (as opposed to chronological age). High homocysteine levels are especially indicated in

    • Heart disease and stroke (by encouraging clumping together of platelets

    • Higher levels of oxidized LDL cholesterol

    • Dementia and Alzheimer’s

    • Destruction of telomeres

    • Liver Disease

    • Birth Defects

    • Depression

  • Methylation is essential in the making of melatonin (the "sleep" hormone), adrenaline (the fight-or-flight hormone), acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter), creatine (for muscle energy metabolism), carnitine (involved in fat-burning in mitochondria), and choline (fat mobilization and cell membrane fluidity).

  • It has been shown in studies where Methylation of DNA was limited or prevented that mouse embryos would not develop and the process of life just stops (Li, et al., 1992).

  • Low DNA Methylation of blood cells is believed to be a cause of autoimmune diseases (Yung et al. 1995).

  • Low Methylation results in liver cancer, vascular disease, and a shorter life span in animals (Salmon and Copeland -1946).